These offerings have been created to provide accessible pathways for you to come back home to yourself. Pathways for deepening self-awareness, connection, emotional resilience, and freedom. Pathways to embrace, embody, and express your true essence in relationship and in life. Through 1:1 Somatic Inquiry sessions, 8-week Somatic Embodiment Guide or Women’s Retreats, the intention is to create more safe spaces for emotional processing, self-awareness, and empowerment.

Somatic Inquiry Session

50-minute session, we tune into your body, guiding you to connect with and give voice to stored emotions and memories that may be causing blockage in the physical body and your day to day life. A safe space is created to be present with what is in the body and to shift what is no longer serving you. This supports an integration process of increasing your sense of awareness leading to a deeper self-connection, safer relationships, and overall life freedom.

Somatic Embodiment Guide

8-week guided pathway to reconnect to the wisdom of your body. Each week you will be supported to explore different techniques that will deepen your understanding of the nervous system and to implement practices into your life that will enhance your ability to calm the mind, listen to your body, and feel more connection to yourself and others. This is a root level approach that allows you to release emotion that has not been processed and has become stored in the body. This pathway will support a deepening of self-awareness, emotional resilience, allowing you to reclaim your energy and create a foundation for lasting change. 

Launching Feb 10th . Application open now.

Womans Retreats

Retreats will be held in unique locations across Mexico, Europe, and Australia.

Each retreat is uniquely designed to honour our natural surroundings, working with the elements of the land as a pathway to reconnect with your own essence.

Through openness, play, and meaningful connection with other women, you’ll be support to rest, restore, and reinvigorate your life force energy. 

As women, we are natural life-givers, nurturers, and creators—but true giving can only really begin when we first nurture ourselves.